30 Day Munich Artists Challenge – Photo Inspired Art – Photography and Illustration Challenge

For this Munich Artists 30 day challenge we will be combining creative commons photographs with our own personal photographs and illustrations.  There are no limitations on the way you use the photographs provided for the challenge.  The images are all in the creative commons so you can be as creative as you want without worrying about hurting another artists feelings or violating a photographer’s copyright.

Each day has an assigned image for a total of thirty images.  At the bottom of the image list,  you will find a few extra photos just in case you feel uninspired by the daily photo or want the opportunity to swap images during the 30 day challenge.

The theme for the day is the photograph. You can do whatever you want with the photograph as long as it is used in some way in your composition.  If you are not sure what to create, here are a few options of what you can do with the challenge photos:

Combine different photographs digitally – Take your own photograph and the photograph that I am providing you and layer the photos like the image below using photoshop or an app on your smartphone:

Munich Artists Angela Josupeit Subway
Munich Artists – Angela Josupeit  – Subway

Combining different photographs into a collage – Print out the challenge photograph and then use the photograph with your own photos to create an art piece.

Artist Emmy Horstkamp Plan B Dorothy
Artist Emmy Horstkamp – Plan B Dorothy –Photo Collage on wood

or like this where Ines Seidel took a photo and scrunched it up and then used it to create another photograph.  Feel free to manipulate the photograph I’ve provided to you in anyway you want.

Ines Seidel
Artist Ines Seidel – Hiding behind myself – Photograph of Photograph – Self Portrait

Combine photography and illustration –  You can either download and draw directly on the challenge photographs or create an illustration that combines elements of the photograph and then photograph it. or digitally collage your illustrations and the photos.  Examples of this type of artwork include:

Ben Heine

Artist Ben Heine

Thomas Lamadieu

Artist Thomas Lamadieu

Because of the flexibility of the challenge, artists can make art that takes minutes or hours depending on their schedule over the upcoming 30 days.  I will try to make a simple piece and a more complicated piece each day and share them on instagram on on my personal website.  As with all of the Munich Artists Challenges, I want you to explore your creativity in a fun way.  This art challenge is a perfect opportunity for you to add art to your porfolio or to the stock of your online/offline store or gallery.

Below you will find the 30 images for the 30 days. You are welcome to begin working on your challenge pieces immediately but please do not post any images before the challenge day where the image is assigned.  If you spend more than one day on a piece, please let me know. I like knowing what artists can accomplish and how long it takes. (You can message me or email me the information if you are feeling shy.)

Day 1:

day 1-unsplash-photos-orange-windows
Day 1 – Windows –

Day 2:

day 2-hands-with-green-pine-needles
Day 2 – Hands with Pine needles

Day 3:

Day 3-carrosel-black-white
Day 3 – Carrosel –

Day 4:

day 4-circle - illustration
Day 4 – illustration –

Day 5:

day 5 -orange-mailbox
Day 5 – Mailbox

Day 6:

Day 6 -public-domain
Day 6 – Girl at the Beach

Day 7:

day 7- hats
day 7- hats

Day 8:

Day 8 -sukanto-debnath-
Day 8 – Mirrors

Day 9:

Day 9-subway-shot-asian-woman-
Day 9 Subway Girl

Day 10:

Day 10-masse-hall-three-doors-woman-walking
Day 10 Three red doors

Day 11:

Day 11 – oscar-keys-unsplash-animal-skull-antlers-humanbody-

Day 12:

Day 12 - Portrait
Day 12 – Portrait

Day 13:

Day 13 Olenka Kotyk – cookies-flower-lemons-bowl-unsplash-creative-commons

Day 14:

Day 14-women-at-lunch-machine
Day 14-women-at-lunch-machine

Day 15:

Day 16-clock-illustration
Day 15-clock-illustration

Day 16:

Day 16 - Grapes
Day 16 – Grapes

Day 17:

day 17-unsplash-child-running-on-tracks
day 17- Child-Running-on-Tracks

Day 18:

Day 18-buildings-blue-sky
Day 18-buildings-blue-sky

Day 19:

day 20-daisy-flower-from-underneath
day 20-daisy-flower-from-underneath

Day 20:

Day 20 unsplash-kazuend-man-walking-on-road

Day 21:

Day 21-drafting-table- from unsplash
Day 21-drafting-table-

Day 22:

Day 22-photo-boardwalk

Day 23:

Day 23 women-in-an-air-balloon
Day 23 women-in-an-air-balloon

Day 24:

Day 24 - Hands
Day 24 – Hands

Day 25:

Day 25- Portrait
Day 25- Portrait

Day 26:

day 26-lake-mountain-twighlight-photo
day 26-lake-mountain-twighlight-photo

Day 27:

Day 27- swimmer-on-the-river
Day 27- swimmer-on-the-river

Day 28:

Day 28- yamon-figurs-bulldog-closeup

Day 29:

Day 29-surfer-
Day 29-surfer-

Day 30:

Day 30 Clouds
Day 30 Clouds


Extra 1:

Extra 1-musical-notes
Extra 1-musical-notes

Extra 2:

Extra 2

Extra 3:

french numbers use it for collaging

Extra 4:

Extra 6 water-way-bridge-brick-buildings-by-nich-scheerbart
Extra 4  water-way-bridge-brick-buildings-by-nich-scheerbart

Extra 5:

photo by Sandra Druschke -check-in, Hyatt Düsseldorf (German Photographer) Must reference her as photographer
Extra 5- photo by Sandra Druschke -check-in, Hyatt Düsseldorf (German Photographer) Must reference her as photographer

Please remember that if you decide to participate in this challenge, your work will be shared on Facebook and Instagram and possibly printed in the Challenge book.  I will not use it for any other purpose without your permission. If you do not want your work used, I would ask you to specifically state that when you post the image in our closed Facebook group or when you email it to me (why would you email me a photo if I can’t use it?  That would be just silly. Don’t email me things I can’t use.)

All photographs that I’ve chosen for this challenge are from the creative commons and are from two sources* There is one image by a German photographer in the extras. If you use her photograph, you will need to reference her name as the original photographer.  For all other photographs, there are no copyright restrictions except for your own personal copyright attached to your own finished artwork.

Please remember this challenge is to inspire and challenge you.  I do not accept archival work as a submission but you can use archival photographs for your digital collaging.  You must use the daily photograph or one of the Extras every day of the 30 day photo and illustration challenge.

I will be making an open challenge group so that people can join it and share their images and as always, Munich Artists are encouraged to share their work on in the Munich artists Closed Facebook group.

If you want to take a peek of our last Munich Artists challenges, you can find the Photo self portrait challenge here and the last 30 day drawing challenge here.

19 Replies to “30 Day Munich Artists Challenge – Photo Inspired Art – Photography and Illustration Challenge”

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