
Dr. Horstkamp, Dr. Kern and Storey Tarris started munichartists  in 2013 and grew the art brand in order to meet Munich based artists and work on collaborative projects.

Munich Artists was not an art group in a traditional German way. It was not an association nor did it make promises to the artists who decided to join the Munich based art collaborations and events.

In the beginning, the website showcased artwork in a weekly online gallery and on the Munich Artists Facebook page.  The photo gallery was open to all Munich Artists but after a few months, we realised that we needed to hunt down the artists in their studios and share their work.

In 2014, Munich Artists started exhibiting artwork offline through the Friday Gallery exhibition space located at Frauenstrasse 18.   The first offline organised event outside of the gallery was held at Stroke 2014 showcasing artwork by Brigitte Pruchnow, Michaela Wuehr, Jenny Schminke, Emmy Horstkamp and Konstantin Ruechardt.

After the Stroke Art Fair, Munich Artists exhibited artwork at the Friday Gallery focusing on artists creating street art, installations and art jewellery and showcasing their work allowing them an opportunity to gain exposure to the Munich art scene.

In 2016, Munich Artists changed it’s focus to installations and presented them at the Friday gallery and at the MA window at Odeonsplatz.

Innerfields Window Installation
Munich Artists Installation Window – Artists – Innerfields 2018

The first Munich Artists creative event was an art installation for a gallery in Neuhausen run by Gabriele Rothweiler.  In the installation, a group of Munich artists created an installation destroying old artwork to create a new art piece which correlated with what was happening in the gallery space. (the gallery was being renovated).

Several other group projects included Munich Stories, Munich Artists Playing Cards, Munich Artists Masks, Munich Artists Say Hello and a sketchbook for the Sketchbook library in Brooklyn.

Munich artists - Stand up for your art Event, Haidhausen, Munich Germany
Munich Artists – Stand up for your art Event, Haidhausen, Munich Germany

Munich Artists focused on lifelong learning and created workshops for creatives and Munich Artists challenges to keep them motivated.  If you want to see the full list of finished challenges and projects, you can check out our projects page.

Munich Artists worked hard to find talented artists and sometimes critiqued art. Munich Artists from its inception did not represent artists fully as a gallery space but focused on creativity and building a creative nurturing environment for artists to share their talents.

Although Munich Artists is no longer an active art group in Munich, Munich Artists is still lurking on the internet.  If you would like to reach Munich Artists you can email Storey Tarris or connect with us through the Facebook page

We are archiving Munich Artists Art Events and Projects on KeysCubeCat and art archive.